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A Musical Holiday Tradition

A History of Nonsense

This all started in 2008 as a party for friends to see each other after being gone for the winter holidays. And now here we are. 

In 2008 two St. Louis theatre nerds planned a get-together for friends returning from visiting their families during the winter break. 

We had all the makings of a good party: Musicals, Games of all sorts, a white elephant gift exchange to trade away the weird crap our families gave us because they didn’t know who we were or what we liked, and of course, cake.

The two planners of this party became friends after bonding over their shared fandom of Drew Sarich so the cake had a picture of Drew Sartich on it (because why not), and so it became known as “Drewmas” – see, totally normal.

Days Until Drewmas

Technically, Drewmas is on January 6th,
But in 2020 the founders agreed it should probably be celebrated the first Saturday after January 6th. HOWEVER, one of the regular participants has a conflict the first Saturday in January every year so now it’s typically held the 2nd Saturday in January, whether that’s the first Saturday after the 6th or not – very easy to follow 😀

So, in, 2026, Drewmas will be celebrated on Saturday, January 10th








Drewmas Schedule

There is no official schedule from year to year but celebrations typically include games, musicals, white elephant gift exchange, and the likeness of Drew Sarich on something edible.

Event Details

Date: Saturday, January 10th, 2026
Time: 12pm EST – midnight EST
Schedule: Schedule in Progress.

Participate Online

Zoom: Join the Zoom (1/10/26 only)
Discord: Join the Server
Facebook: Facebook Event

(links will be updated closer to event)

Participate In Person

Date: Saturday, January 10th, 2026
Time: 12pm EST – midnight EST
Location: TBA


If you’re hosting your own party, feel free to make the event your own, traditional activities include a gift exchange (preferably of unwanted gifts just received for the holidays), board games, video games, watching/listening to musicals, and eating!


Board & Card games!

We’ll have a dozen games to choose from but if you have a favorite game you should bring it to share!

WTF Gift Exchange

This should be a gift you received or have sitting around that you don’t want. If you do not have a gift lying around you should spend less than $20.

Hybrid Activities

Online Games

Musical-theatre-themed Codenames, Drawful, Quiplash 2, and more!

Musical Theatre Puzzle Book

Hopefully I finish this one day!

Cocktails & Mocktails

Drewmas even has official drinks! Get the recipes here!

Online Activities

YouTube Playlist

There’s a playlist of YouTube videos including musical episodes & scenes that can be watched any time!

Stream Musicals

After several years of trial and error, people should just plan to stream/play musicals from their own devices when joining remotely! 🙂

Support Theatre & Performers

You can’t celebrate Drewmas if you don’t support theatre and performers!

Below are some places you can donate or spend money
(also, obviously you can buy tickets to your local theaters & Broadway shows).